Transducing chemical energy through catalysis by an artificial molecular motor
P.-L. Wang, S. Borsley, M. J. Power, A. Cavasso, N. Giuseppone & D. A. Leigh
Nature 637, 594–600 (2025).​
For highlights of this paper see, ‘Artificial motors mimic muscle proteins, opening new paths in nanotech’ PhysOrg, 16 Jan 2025; ‘Scientists create tiny motors that mimic nature’ The National Tribune, 16 Jan 2025; 'Nanomaszyny: byÅ‚y wyÅ›cigi, sÄ… skrÄ™ty' [in Polish], T. R. Tarnawski Projekt Pulsar, 24 Jan 2025.
Molecular ratchets and kinetic asymmetry: giving chemistry direction
S. Borsley, D. A. Leigh & B. M. W. Roberts
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 64, e202400495 (2024).​
Membrane transport, molecular machines, and Maxwell's Demon
S. Borsley
ChemSystemsChem 6, e202400004 (2024).
Featured in the Systems Chemistry Talents special collection. Nominated as an emerging talent in systems chemistry by Board Member Prof. Scott Hartley. Featured as a journal cover.
Stepwise operation of a molecular rotary motor driven by an Appel reaction
P. Zwick, A. Troncossi, S. Borsley, I. Vitorica-Yrezabal & D. A. Leigh
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 4467–4472 (2024).
S. Borsley, J. M. Gallagher, D. A. Leigh & B. M. W. Roberts
Nat. Rev. Chem. 8, 8–29 (2024).
Featured as journal cover.
Conformational selection accelerates catalysis by an organocatalytic molecular motor
J. M. Gallagher, B. M. W. Roberts, S. Borsley & D. A. Leigh
Chem 10, 1–12 (2024).
For highlights of this paper see, ‘Motorized catalysis’ F. Zamberlan, Nat. Catal. 6, 1101 (2023); 'Catenane organocatalyst breaks the linear scaling limitation through conformational selection' C. Wang, Commun. Chem. 7, 9 (2024); 'Advancing beyond Sabatier: strategies for dynamic synthetic catalysis' M. Filez, J. Dendooven, M. B. J. Roeffaers & C. Detavernier, Chem 10, 1–4 (2024).
S. Borsley, W. Edwards, I. K. Mati, G. Poss, M. Diez-Castellnou, N. Marro &
E. R. Kay
Chem. Mater. 35, 6168–6177 (2023).
The roles of kinetic asymmetry and power strokes in an information ratchet
L. Binks, S. Borsley, T. R. Gingrich, D. A. Leigh, E. Pennochio & B. M. W. Roberts
Chem 9, 2902–2917 (2023).
For highlights of this paper see, ‘Nonequilibrium steady states, ratchets, and kinetic asymmetry’ R. D. Astumian, Matter 6, 2533–2536 (2023).
Tuning the force, speed and efficiency of an autonomous chemically fuelled information ratchet
S. Borsley, D. A. Leigh, B. M. W. Roberts & I. J. Vitorica-Yrezabal
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 17241–17248 (2022).
For highlights of this paper see, ‘Chemists debate how to fuel molecular machines’ c&en February 5, 2023; M. Peplow, Chem. Eng. News 101 (2023).
Chemical fuels for molecular machinery
S. Borsley, D. A. Leigh & B. M. W. Roberts
Nat. Chem. 14, 728–738 (2022).
For highlights of this paper see, ‘Chemists debate how to fuel molecular machines’ c&en February 5, 2023; M. Peplow, Chem. Eng. News 101 (2023).
Dissecting solvent effects on hydrogen bonding
N. Y. Meredith, S. Borsley, I. V. Smolyar, G. S. Nichol, C. M. Baker, K. B. Ling & S. L. Cockroft
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61, e2022066 (2022).
Featured as a Hot Paper in Angew. Chem. For highlights of this paper see, ‘Weighing up solvent effects’, S.-L. Paiva, Nat. Rev. Chem. 6, 448 (2022).
Autonomous fuelled directional rotation about a covalent single bond
S. Borsley, E. Kreidt, D. A. Leigh & B. M. W. Roberts
Nature 604, 85–85 (2022).
For highlights of this paper see, ‘Tiny labmade motors could one day suck pollutants from the air and harvest precious metals’, Science 376, 233 (2022); ‘Molecular ratchet made from only 26 atoms rotates in one direction’ Chemistry World, 19 April 2022; ‘A biological motor that consumes chiral fuel drives rotation in one direction around a single covalent bond’ PhysOrg, 20 April 2022; ‘Autonomous fuelled directional rotation’ ChemistryViews, 22 April 2022; ‘Chemists debate how to fuel molecular machines’ c&en February 5, 2023; M. Peplow, Chem. Eng. News 101 (2023).
Chemical engines: driving systems away from equilibrium through catalyst reaction cycles
S. Amano, S. Borsley, D. A. Leigh & Z. Sun
Nat. Nanotechnol. 16, 1057–1067 (2021).
A doubly kinetically-gated information ratchet autonomously driven by carbodiimide hydrolysis
S. Borsley, D. A. Leigh & B. M. W. Roberts
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 4414–4420 (2021).
Transmembrane ion channels formed by a Star of David [2]catenane and a molecular pentafoil knot
D. P. August, S. Borsley, S. L. Cockroft, F. della Sala, D. A. Leigh & S. J. Webb
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 18859–18865 (2020).
Reversible stimuli-responsive chromism of a cyclometallated platinum(II) complex
Q. Zheng, S. Borsley, T. Tu & S. L. Cockroft
Chem. Commun. 56, 14705–14708 (2020).
Switchable foldamer ion channels with anion selectivity and antibiotic activity
A. D. Peters, S. Borsley, F. della Sala, D. F. Cairns-Gibson, M. Leonidou, J. Clayden, G. F. S. Whitehead, I. J. Vitorica-Yrezabal, E. Takano, J. Burthem, S. L. Cockroft & S. J. Webb
Chem. Sci. 11, 7023–7030 (2020).
Reconciling electrostatic and n→π* orbital contributions in carbonyl interactions
K. B. Muchowska, D. J. Pascoe, S. Borsley, I. V. Smolyar, I. K. Mati, C. Adam, G. S. Nichol, K. B. Ling & S. L. Cockroft
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 14602–14608 (2020).
Featured as a Hot Paper in Angew. Chem.
The energetic significance of metallophilic interactions
Q. Zheng, S. Borsley, G. S. Nichol, F. Duerte & S. L. Cockroft
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 12617–12623 (2019).
Featured as a Hot Paper in Angew. Chem.
Electrostatic forces in field-perturbed equilibria: nanopore analysis of cage complexes
S. Borsley, M. M. Haugland, S. K. Oldknow, J. A. Cooper, M. J. Burke, A. Scott, W. Grantham, J. Vallejo, E. K. Brechin, P. J. Lusby & S. L. Cockroft,
Chem 5, 1275–1292 (2019).
For highlights of this paper see, ‘Cages driven away from equilibrium binding by electric fields’, A. Dhara, A. H. Flood, Chem 5, 1017–1019 (2019).
Synthetically diversified protein nanopores: resolving click reaction mechanisms
M. M. Haugland, S. Borsley, D. Cairns-Gibson, A. Elmi & S. L. Cockroft
ACS Nano 13, 4101–4110 (2019).
Single-molecule detection of guest binding within metallosupramolecular cages
S. Borsley, J. A. Cooper, P. J. Lusby & S. L. Cockroft
Chem. Eur. J. 24, 4542–4546 (2018).
S. Borsley, G. Poss, R. Spicer, E. Boudin & E. R. Kay
Supramol. Chem. 30, 772–781 (2018).
In situ synthetic functionalization of a transmembrane protein nanopore
S. Borsley & S. L. Cockroft
ACS Nano 12, 786–794 (2018).
Discrimination of supramolecular chirality using a protein nanopore
J. A. Cooper, S. Borsley, P. J. Lusby & S. L. Cockroft
Chem. Sci. 8, 5005–5009 (2017).
Featured in the themed collection International Symposium on Macrocyclic & Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) in conjunction with ISACS
Dynamic covalent assembly and disassembly of nanoparticle aggregates
S. Borsley & E. R. Kay
Chem. Commun. 52, 9117–9120 (2016).
Rapid and simple preparation of remarkably stable binary nanoparticle planet–satellite assemblies
S. Borsley, S. Flook & E. R. Kay
Chem. Commun. 51, 7812–7815 (2015).